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Tips for Designing and Checking Responsive Websites
The Current Issue Not to state the obvious but long gone are the days of web visitors using only computer screens to browse the web. We’re pretty much all using tablets, smart phones, as well as our computer monitors. That … Continue reading
How to Request a Quote for your Website Design
We routinely get requests like ‘What will you charge me for a website?’…which we don’t mind. That’s a perfectly legitimate way to start a conversation…but, please know that there isn’t a one word answer we can give you because it … Continue reading
How To Choose a Good Web Designer…or At Least Avoid a Bad One.
Choosing a web design company is like playing the lotto if you don’t know what to look for. If you don’t know the warning signs of a poor designer, you could very well end up with a lot of stress … Continue reading
Why DuckDuckGo is Better than Google
Let’s face it, Google Search has become the Scrooge McDuck of the search world. A once functional engine that now abuses its monopoly with nearly as many adverts as organic (real, not paid for) search results. Most of the time, … Continue reading
Firefox Quantum – Why is it faster?
For those interested in web browsers: Firefox has just released a new rebuilt version called ‘Firefox Quantum’, which is reportedly faster than Google Chrome. Google Chrome’s speed has been a notable factor in its successful campaign of getting users to … Continue reading
6 Reasons You’ll Never Get That Design Job
I run my own business and I’ve been receiving unsolicited curriculum vitaes (aka resumés) almost every day for over a decade. I’ve seen it all, and as a potential employer, I can tell you where you’re going wrong. Read on … Continue reading
Best text alignment for your website
What types of typographic alignments are available? Before we get into what type of text alignment is best for your website, let’s first discuss the options… Left Aligned Text When lines of text are left aligned, they are flush on … Continue reading
New option to subscribe
Sorry this has taken so long. After repeated requests, we’ve finally implemented a means to subscribe to blog posts. You can find the subscribe form on any page in the blog. It will be in the right hand column if … Continue reading
Why Not Wix?
Let me just get this out the way: I’m biased. I am a professional web designer and my livelihood does depend on customers hiring me to build them proper websites instead of doing it themselves with Wix…HOWEVER…that does not change … Continue reading
4 Things to Remove from Your Website…
Some people are just followers. They will never be on the cutting edge of anything other than a mishap with sharp cutlery in a dirty sink. That’s ok though. Not everybody needs to be a pioneer. Most people just get … Continue reading